Benefits of hiring a direct access barrister in family court proceedings.

Hiring a direct access barrister (also known as a public access barrister) in family court proceedings offers several benefits, including:

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: By hiring a barrister directly, you bypass the need for a solicitor, which can reduce overall legal fees. You pay for the barrister's services without the additional cost of a solicitor acting as a middleman.

  2. Expert Advocacy: Barristers are specialists in courtroom advocacy and legal argument. Hiring one directly means you get direct access to their expertise in presenting your case and navigating complex legal procedures.

  3. Efficiency: Since there is no solicitor involved, communication is streamlined. You work directly with the barrister, which can make the process quicker and more responsive.

  4. Clarity and Focus: A direct access barrister can focus specifically on the aspects of your case that involve court proceedings, such as hearings, negotiations, or settlement discussions. They won’t typically handle broader aspects, like administrative paperwork, which may suit clients who only need expert representation in court.

  5. Tailored Legal Advice: You receive focused legal advice from a barrister with experience in family law, which can be crucial in sensitive matters like divorce, child custody, and financial settlements. Barristers are known for providing clear, concise legal advice.

  6. Flexibility: Direct access barristers can be more flexible in terms of the services they offer. They may represent you at a specific hearing, advise you on a particular issue, or handle the entire case.

  7. Specialist Knowledge: Barristers who practice family law often have a deep understanding of the specific legal issues involved in family matters, which can be highly beneficial in dealing with intricate legal arguments.

However, it is important to note that not all cases are suitable for direct access. In some instances, complex matters might still require the involvement of a solicitor for tasks such as managing evidence, gathering documents, and general case management.

Zubair Mughal is a specialist family law barrister, qualified to accept instructions under the direct access scheme. For further information on instructing Zubair for your family law matter, contact him today to arrange a free initial consultation.


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